Nature is our home, our refuge, our teacher; our source of medicine and magic; of knowledge and wisdom. We come from nature and we return to nature.
Nature’s philosophy is a name I use to describe an original, timeless, transparent and all encompassing way of life whose roots and origins lie in nature and all that nature represents (the essence of life, the supernatural, immortality, universal memories, and more). It’s the one constant in the universe; something that predates every man-made construct.
In my mind, there’s no equivalent to Nature’s philosophy. Nature doesn’t lie and its essence can’t be manipulated, even if its interpretation can differ from person to person.
Nature is the best teacher of her own ways. All of the key ideas and core principles that you can read here, are visible and demonstrable out in nature.
Everyone needs a sacred place, where they can communicate with nature, go deeper within themselves and remember their originality. That place is the Essence.
Why Essenz is Life web site?
This web site is dedicated to exploring and demonstrating the shared folklore, mythology, sacred places, linguistic and cultural histories, technology and nature of every culture around the world, especially the Scandinavian and Australian.
I believe an original culture once existed around the world, even in Australia, further back in time than 60,000 years. This ancient culture is the template upon which modern society around the world is loosely based.
Rather than being told of this advanced civilisation, we’re told of our reptilian, neanderthal or creationist beginnings, or that we all stepped out of Africa; stories that keep us in the dark about our true origins - a people that possessed advanced technology, as well as advanced philosophical and universal understanding.
If we’re to consider this controversial idea, we may need to admit that modern society isn’t the progressive technological, scientific, social and spiritual wonder that we’re led to believe. Rather it’s a society in decline.
What we experience today as revolutionary or cutting edge breakthroughs, e.g. Google glass, iPhone, etc., are copies of technology that once existed. The notion that we’re going through an age of transformation, enlightenment and spiritual ascendency is also naive in a sense. Smoke and mirrors are used to sensationalise trivia and hide critical untruths.
Certain elements in science have played a role in keeping this knowledge out of circulation. Science has been positioned as the be-all, go-to benchmark for proof, truth and reality. If it can’t be measured by science, then it can’t be real. Religion on the other hand is no better, and forms the flipside of the same coin - science and religion have both done a brilliant job in erasing some of the memories and traces of our original global culture.
Fortunately, there is more than one way to research, investigate and prove, as well as follow traces and access memories.
Our original global culture existed without division - without labels such as East or West; indigenous or invader. There was only one kind of human, a highly intuitive being who understood and observed universal laws, and who came from the same source, our never-ending universe.
This is the person and culture to which I strongly associate, and would like to see return.
A culture where even ‘us’ Westerners were once native and indigenous too. Where everyone was a caretaker of Earth and Mother Nature. Where we respected her ways and kept alive her universal wisdom. Everyone did this; as it was an essential part of our lives. Some cultures remember this better than others today but this knowledge isn’t exclusive.
This web site’s aim is to help people remember who they really are and where we really come from. Nature is a silent witness to our originality. To know our origins and our self, we need to return to nature. This is one of the reasons why non-humans who do not have an original soul, are so hell bent on erasing nature and everything that it represents. Nature is the one truth that mirrors back to them their artificiality.
My intention with this web site is to show the relationships and similarities shared by cultures around the world that point to an original worldwide culture that once existed, and can exist again. Every culture speaks of it - in their own language and in their own way. They mention the same universal origins, omnipotent life force, cataclysmic end of world, supernatural other-worldly existence, and nature playing a central role.
What would happen if each one of us realised the potential that lay within, as well as understood what it means to be a real human being? Could we then really start changing our world? Our original self was and still is many things: part shaman, part völva, part frequency magician, part energy technician, and more.
I welcome you to this site and hope the information here connects with you.
In Norwegian Skogsfru means ‘lady of the forest’. Skog is forest and fru is lady or woman. In old times, the lady of the forest was typically seen as a wise woman or spirit of the forest, who protected nature and all that it represented, as well as brought misfortune to those who didn’t respect it.
She is/was known by many names, not only in Scandinavia, but also throughout continental Europe and other places around the world. Being a guardian of nature and a nature being herself, she possessed supernatural powers and strength. Such abilities were known in Scandinavia as seidr, which is what the Scandinavian wise women, or völva practised.
I use the identity Skogsfru to associate with the image of a nature spirit: preserving the old traditions, original ways and beliefs that predate any modern religious construct, as well as protecting and supporting nature.