Return to our originality

Posted by Skogsfru on Apr 16, 2023

It’s often heard and said that Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples around the world, after many decades of oppression at the hands of colonial or industrial powers, are now reconnecting with their roots and celebrating who they are. They’re returning ‘home’ – to their original spiritual existence and universal identity. This return home makes it easier for them to live in ‘two worlds’.

It’s not only Indigenous and Aboriginal people who feel as though they live in two worlds. Even some ‘white’ people feel as though they stand on the edge of modern Western civilisation, and find the ruling elite, their global politics and agenda, neverending consumption and growth, environmental and wildlife destruction, human abuse and manipulation, unnatural lifestyle, limited scientific world view, medical supremacy, religious dictatorship, media censorship, etc., at odds with their own personal views and beliefs.

They too search for their originality and the ‘way back home’. This path is not only for these ‘Westerners’, but anyone who seeks to return to the original ways that were the forerunner, the model and the template of everything we know today.

Some people search for the truth and ‘way home’ by experimenting with religions, cults or the esoteric. They think they need a structured belief to guide them, to provide them with rules and laws, which they are unable to give themselves.

Anyone who understands nature’s way doesn’t need a ‘higher’ power (god, guru or master) to tell them what they need to know. They recognise that this so-called ‘higher’ power is their own instinct and intuition, as well as their originality and memories, guiding them on their journey through life.

Nature’s way is very straight, open and honest. Her core essentials can also be easily explained. Whether they are known or manifest as Tao, Yoga, or Dharma, what this simply illustrates is how the Essence is a universal truth.

Are you ready to return to your originality?