The Essenz is both the name of this web site and also something referred to on this site as the very fabric of which life is made up, including us beings.
The Essenz is a way of understanding life and the universe, by understanding the essential nature of being. It has nothing to do with humans but rather with all living things and our existence within a neverending universe. The Essenz is nicely explained in the ancient Japanese samurai classic, the Bushido.
“All things have an ultimate nature. A real existence that ordinary people’s minds are unprepared to see. For example, when ordinary people see something, they immediately classify and label that thing. They are unable to make sense of reality without this process. It’s like trying to think of the sky without thinking of the word “sky” or “blue”.”
The essence of a being or object lies beneath its projected illusion and presents itself as it is, in its purest, unadulterated form. By understanding what lies beneath everything, we are able to understand life, the truth, and ultimately, the essence.
Food for thought:
How is it possible for a school of fish in nature to move so perfectly and seamlessly together, without losing their rhythm? Who or what drives the fish? How does each fish know what to do? Which law propels them like relay runners or neurons, through the water? Is there a law? What are we seeing? Are they really fish? Or is it the rhythm of the universe in three dimensional form?