To save humanity or not?

Posted by Skogsfru on Jul 18, 2023

A friend and I sat down for a cup of tea and chat the other day. It didn’t take long for our conversation to turn interesting as my friend is well-versed in non-duality. However, during our tea and chat, I noticed that my friend advocated for the saving of humanity.

This was interesting for two reasons: a) my friend is aware that the human body is only a vehicle for our I AM consciousness, which can exist without a body, and b) the very fact that my friend is aware of point a) and still advocated the saving of humanity seemed to me to be in direct conflict of each other.

In our conversation, my friend touched upon the way the ‘elite’ push forward their idea of slavery. Many think that since Covid19, the truth about human slavery is something new. Sadly, it isn’t.

My friend firmly believes that humanity has very little chance of stopping and doing anything about the elite’s manipulative game. As if it is an inherrent fact and truth. My friend and I have often agreed to disgree on this very point, especially about there being ‘nothing’ we can do, and the powers that be are all too powerful.

My friend’s perspective is just one of many of the current situation, one that may seem real if we take everything that the elite do at face value. But if you scratch beneath the surface, it’s possible to see that not everything they do runs the way they hope.

There is no denying that the ‘machinations’ are in place and have been for quite a while to install a digital prison and force a form of slavery upon mankind. And in one way or another this reality will come, but whether we will not be able to do anything about it - like a flock of helpless and hopeless sheep led to slaughter - is another story.

What we are basically fighting at the moment is a war on the mind, a psychological war, and a cleverly orchestrated emotional propaganda campaign. The powers that be hope that this first line of attack will be enough to make the majority of humans comply and obey. But for those who know the strategy, know that there is definitely something that each of us can do - all the time.

My friend intimated that if push came to shove it would be better to kill ourselves while fighting for the preservation of humanity than to remain alive as a slave in the coming prison.

Why did I feel this idea would make very little difference in the scheme of things? Let’s have a look at some points:

  • To save a human being, the idea of a human being has to be properly defined. What is a human being?
  • Is a human being the human body? Or is it much more than what we can see and touch?
  • Does a human body guarantee that what we see is a human being? Or just a shell? Is there a difference? Yes, for a human being doesn’t need a human body to exist, and a human body doesn’t need a human being to be alive.
  • If humanity, or the seven billion plus bodies around the world were wiped out, would this be the end of humanity? Or just the end of the physical human body? And our material level of existence?
  • The end of humanity is not the end of life. Human beings can and must exist in their original form as one with the Essenz. No human body is required for this to happen.

Even though my friend believes in non duality, that we are essentially a never-ending consciousness that can manifest in multiple forms, she fears for the longevity or survival of the human race. This is a contradiction. Life can never die. It can change shape or form, but it can never cease to exist. This is the very nature of Nature, the Essenz and non-duality.

To let humanity die (physical body) is one way of guaranteeing that humanity can return to its original form (silence - stillness - original consciousness - I AM - Essenz). Why would anyone stand in the way of this? Or fear it? For it guarantees that we all escape slavery and the artificial existence we know as the ‘Matrix’.