Live the Essenz

Part 2

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One of the great puzzles of life is that the secret to life and the truth about our existence is a complex riddle, an intellectual workout for the brain akin to solving a dizzying mathematical formula.

The truth is it’s not like this at all. The secret to life is simple. So simple that some doubt its authenticity.

The Essenz puts us in touch with our deepest nature. Something that we rarely come to recognise in the superficial busyness of ‘life’. The truth is that what we can find within is a stillness that is unending. A genuine peace that comes from the balance and integration of all aspects of life.

This image or notion goes against the grain of what we are taught and experience on a daily basis. We are rather led to believe that life is about toil, effort and battling our way through. Yet, what are we really battling and toiling against? The harsh realities of the world? Or the duality that creates the harshness within our minds?

Let’s first start with what stillness and balance really are. They aren’t some mythical Utopia that exists on top of a mountain far from the problems of mankind. Stillness and balance can be experienced anywhere in the here and now, by stepping out from the illusion of ego, and pulling aside the veil that blinds us to our true self.

It is so simple in theory, but so difficult in practice.

This is because we are indoctrinated from birth to believe that we possess a mind and an individual self, and only by identifying with these two can we live and experience real life. But neither of these concepts actually exist. They are the ultimate illusion.

The truth is there is no separation of life into individual, controllable parts. The Essenz reflects the unified higher being and the original life force that is at the core of each of us. It is not our body or mind that makes us alive, but the Essenz.

The emotional and mental aches, pains and turmoil each of us feels is only a reflection of our separation from the Essenz. A sign that we are out of balance. That we are wearing the veil of the illusionary self, ego and mind.

Through the Essenz we discover how to avoid this trap.

Through the Essenz we discover behaviours, movements, non-thought based concepts, and stillness that revive the energy within us, helping it to flow again, so that it can provide us with abundant strength, health and calm that is real life. By living with Nature, we live in balance within ourselves and with the world around us.


To continue…