Know the game

Posted by Skogsfru on Jun 30, 2021

Many people are sick and tired of the current situation around the world. Some are ready to challenge the status quo and shake things up. But not many are aware of how the world order plays the game.

History is a good source and judge of those who tried to take on the system and failed. Without knowing what goes on behind the scenes, it’s very difficult to know what kind of strategy you need to win.

What we see on TV, read in the media (whether mainstream or not) and deal with on a daily basis, is only a facade. The mouthpieces who are chosen to represent and implement particular strategies, are only that – empty bots that run on a preprogrammed script. They are not the ones in charge.

Fighting against an unseen enemy is very difficult, especially with no knowledge of what they look like, how they think, and the tools at their disposal.

Using the right tools and knowledge is what puts us on equal footing and gives everyone an understanding of how to participate in the game.

No doubt you’ve heard the expression, ‘Truth is stranger than fiction’? Well it couldn’t be more relevant in this case. To be able to play the game, a few things need to be suspended.

Firstly, our vanilla A4 understanding of truth and reality. Whatever we think we know, is not really as it appears – or even what we need to know. The systematic misinformation or disinformation campaign has created a reality the majority are comfortable with. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s correct.

Secondly, the idea of magic, is another concept we need to re-examine. The entertainment industry has made sure that the definition of magic is skewed. Magic is nothing more than mental power. Something that each and every person on the planet has and uses on a daily basis. Humans produce thoughts constantly. These thoughts connect us to the thing or the person we think about. If that person or thing accepts what we think, then it also becomes their reality and truth, and this is how it spreads. Thoughts and emotions connect and bind us. The world order knows this and has been using this strategy to ensnare and control for millennia. Behind the facade the real power operates on a telepathic and spiritual ‘invisible, unseen’ level. Well, ‘unseen’ for those who block or overwrite their natural inbuilt sensitivity.

Thirdly, to be able to go up against such a formidable opponent, we need to realise that we are in the minority, the ones who stand on the fringes and point at the emperor’s lack of clothing. Don’t go up against the Matrix if you aren’t prepared to be ostracised.

Fourthly, as the Matrix film trilogy made popular, a complete and utter unplugging of yourself from the system is necessary. Once you start attacking the world order and what it has created, you’ll need a new place to call home. Don’t expect to receive any favours from the system, once you start pulling apart the web of lies.

Now that we know what we need to do, the next step is to prepare ourselves for the game. How do we do that? Next time you drive by a mountain that has probably been standing there for the past ten million years or so, try to gauge exactly what it is that makes it so formidable and impenetrable. What is nature’s strength? What is the one thing that you cannot contain, monitor, track, manipulate, isolate, deceive, or corrupt? The answer is: silence/stillness. Or the essence.