What am I doing that perpetuates the Matrix existence?

Posted by Skogsfru on Aug 12, 2021

To realise that we live in a kind of Matrix reality is unbelievable, but not as far fetched as we may think.

One thing that is as important as ‘opening our eyes’ to the concept of a Matrix, is asking the question: what am I doing that perpetuates a false kind of Matrix existence?

What do I do (in the way of thoughts, actions and emotions) that keeps the Matrix alive? Which part of me feeds the monster and lets it grow stronger or bigger?

There are many ways in which we allow the Matrix to enter and control our lives. We are human after all: we each have our weaknesses and strengths; our battles to fight (in our own minds) and our inner ‘Schweinehund’ to tame.

We are exposed to the Matrix system repeatedly and forced to deal with certain elements of it every day. Over time, being inside this unnatural existence can drag us down and make us forget what was once original.

The way in which we can get lost or caught up in the Matrix is simple. It may be something harmless like getting angry at another person for driving poorly and disregarding the road rules. Or it may be the desire to scream out against a political representative for their blind, hypocritical, unethical behaviour.

What starts out small can soon grow into something large, such as believing what we see in the media as the ultimate truth without questioning it; or sadly, getting spooked by Matrix thugs and their persuasive catchphrases and strategies.

We each have to interact within the artificial Matrix system. We each have to come to terms, in our own way, with how the Matrix influences or manipulates us to behave, think and feel.

But each of us also possesses an unlimited power. The power to decide, choose and change our minds - the power to say no and to trust in ourselves.

The war against us is first and foremost fought on a psychic level (mental/emotional/spiritual – call it what you will). It is here where people engage with the Matrix and make it their reality and truth.

The Matrix has gotten away with so much over the years, simply because they have been able to bluff and bully, deceive and distract, and pressure and manipulate. The Matrix knows what makes a human being tick and where their inherrent weakness lies.

What the Matrix doesn’t expect though are people who say no and resist. They don’t expect people to call their bluff and play by a different set of rules. The Matrix doesn’t know what to do when you decide to take control of your mind and your thoughts. Or when you decide to return to and claim the power of your essence.