Are you looking for a Northern European shaman (völva) who practises nature-based magic and healing services (seiðr)?
I follow the traditions of the original pre-Christian forest culture that was dominant across Europe and Scandinavia. The forest folk were skilled in herbal medicine, healing, and interacting with the multiple levels of existence, which commonly appeared as clairvoyance, prophecy, spellcasting and witchcraft. The forest folk were also outdoor survival specialists; their knowledge, insight and other wordly abilities came from their deep connection to and cooperative/coexistent relationship with nature.
I offer the following:
1. Shamanic healing practices brings us closer in contact with the Essence. By understanding what the Essence is, how it keeps us alive, and how we can exist without a physical form, we become our own healers. Aura balancing, chakra cleansing and activation, energy-based exercises, deep meditative relaxation, manual body therapy, nutritional advice, past life therapy, grounding, cleansing and centring of people and places, and spiritual counselling all form a part of the healing circle.
2. Shamanic magic practices are a sacred place where we can communicate with nature, go deeper within ourselves and remember our originality.
Contact me to find out how I can assist you: