Omega Gene

Character list

The Omega Gene is written with the voice of several narrators telling their story. As more characters are introduced, the more their stories intertwine, until eventually the characters meet and discover the purpose of their meeting.


The first narrator we meet is Darias Majura, a physicist who was part of an experiment to recreate the ‘Big Bang’, an experiment that went wrong and saw her being imprisoned in a holographic universe - or was it really an accident?


The second narrator is Lily Taltos, a recently retired intelligence officer, who specialised in remote viewing and psychic warfare. Upon realising how her abilities were being misused, she left the military, but those in her command are not ready to let her go.


The third narrator is Marc Vincent, who brings the group together. Not much is initially known about Marc’s background, but his story starts in Kolkata, India, where he has been living for several years, having been drawn there by the Goddess Kali to put together The Omega Gene and send out copies to select people around the world.


The fourth narrator is a hacker. All we know is that his name is Daiman. By some twist of fate, he finds himself hacking into the holographic universe that Darias Majura is trapped within. Recognising that it is a genuine ‘dark net’, and what its purpose is for mankind, he tries to make contact with Darias, extract her and shut it down.


The fifth narrator is Lowanna Ross, an Aboriginal woman with a foot in several cultures, whose outdoor pursuits bring her in contact with a forbidden ancient history. She discovers that by pulling one thread, it soon reveals thousands in a web of lies and deception.